Courtesy & Respect:
At RISE Dance Co. our mission is to create beautiful dancers and inspirational individuals. We strive to instill Respect, Integrity, Strength and Excellence into each of our dancers while inspiring passion and commitment to the art of dance. Our dancers will be held to the highest standards of conduct. Communicating negatively about anyone in or outside our studio will not be tolerated. Our dancers are expected to show courtesy and respect to all instructors and other students. RISE dancers are always respectful, supportive, encouraging and are positive in spirit, attitude and behavior. We are a family-friendly studio that instills strong technique, developmentally appropriate movement, and creates well-rounded dancers. We are committed to spreading the love of dance.
General Information: Please be sure to read RISE emails, return forms as requested, and refer to the website/parent portal for additional information. Instructors will publish and distribute information as it becomes available and will give notice in advance to keep all parents well-informed. In order to ensure all parents/guardians receive information in a timely manner, it is the parents' responsibility to keep mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers up-to-date with RISE.
Placement in classes is based on the following criteria: technique, potential, commitment level, enthusiasm, attitude and behavior in class, attendance and stage presence. Your dancer(s) will receive student evaluations to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. Placement for the following year will be based on the criteria listed above.
Attendance & Time Commitment:
Just as sports teams require all players to attend practices, dance studios require their dancers to attend all classes and rehearsals. Absences will not only affect the individual dancer, but the class as a whole. Punctuality is just as important as attendance, please be on time and prepared for class. Parents/guardians should be prompt at drop-off and pick-up. Dance requires consistent ongoing training, and dancers who excessively miss classes will not be able to perform at the same level as those who have attended all classes regularly. If absences are becoming an issue, it is the teachers right to remove a dancer from any piece for recital or performances.
Weather Closures:
RISE Dance Co. will follow Jefferson County school weather closures. If the district cancels school for the day or has early dismissal due to the weather, we will also cancel classes for that afternoon and evening. If school is held and weather declines throughout the afternoon, RISE may choose to close. For all other non-school days and Saturdays, we will follow weather reports and CDOT updates. We will notify you if classes are cancelled via email, socials, and/or the studio voicemail, no later than 2 hours prior to the start of classes. As always, you can use your best judgment for your own personal comfort and the safety of the students. Makeup classes are always available for missed classes due to weather within one month of your missed classes.
RISE Dress Code:
It is important that our instructors can see the body placement of our dancers in the classroom setting. All dancers must wear appropriate dance wear to every class. Forgetting dance wear, shoes, proper hair and/or wearing inappropriate clothing is not acceptable.
Ballet Class: Black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes (not satin slippers) *required for recital, hair out of the face in a bun. A short dance skirt is optional.
Jazz: Form fitting top, shorts/jazz pants/leggings, tan jazz shoes *required for recital.
Tap: Form fitting top and shorts/jazz pants/leggings, black tap shoes *required for recital.
Lyrical: Form Fitting Top, Shorts (showing the knee)/Jazz Pants/Leggings, tan pirouettes *required for recital
Hip Hop Class: Comfortable dance clothes, hair securely pulled up, tennis shoes are required.
Tuition Details:
Tuition is due on the 1st of every month, payments received after the 10th of each month will be charged a $25 late fee. If a class is missed, making up a class at the same class level, or a level below, is strongly encouraged. Make-up classes must be taken within one month of the missed class.
Classes begin on August 5th and continue through May 31st. There is no extra charge for 5 week months and no refunds for scheduled holiday breaks. Tuition is calculated on a full season of classes from August 5th, 2024 to May 31st 2025. Tuition payments are made in equal monthly installments and are non-refundable.
Accounts must be current with no outstanding balance for tuition, costumes, or recital fees to participate in the recital. Recitals are held in December and June.
Enrollment Details:
Dancers will remain enrolled at RISE until written notice is given. If notice is not given by the 25th of the month, you will be responsible for the following month's tuition.
Additional Fees:
Annual Registration Fee - $50/student - annual payment due in August or at time of registration. The registration fee covers the cost of administrative hours setting up students in the attendance and billing system. It also covers your dancer's insurance, music license fees, and studio communication costs, all separate expenses from class tuition.
Performance Fee - Two payments of $40/family - due November and in May. This performance fee is non-refundable and covers the cost for two venue performances. This fee is used towards the venue rental, venue and studio staffing, lighting designer, music and photographer. Recital tickets are sold separately. Your recital fee now includes digital access to ALL RECITALS for both WINTER and SPRING - DVDs will still be available for purchase for an additional cost - every family will receive digital files/access to every show!
Costume Rental Fee - is dependent on number of dances, per dancer. This fee will be due February 1st and goes towards the renting, cleaning, maintaining and the storing of our costumes for the spring recital and future stage performances. This fee is non-refundable.